Welcome to Frey video material where we will present how to mount the Frey SLI-200 digital imaging system on Frey LED SL-100 slit lamp with a projection of the slit from above. Mounting the SLI-200 digital imaging system on Frey LED SL-110 slit lamp with a projection of the slit from below is the same easy process.
We have prepared a standard tabletop Frey LED SL-100 slit lamp for mounting on ophthalmic tables. Frey LED SL-100 slit lamp has been preassembled.
SLI-200 digital imaging system components include:
You will require a simple set of x-shape screwdrivers to complete this installation. Next, we will demonstrate how individual components are easily mounted to Frey LED SL-100 slit lamp. Firstly we will commence with the installation of the metal plate required to recognize which eye is currently being examined. To install this metal plate, Frey LED SL-100 slip lamp must be removed from the table top. The pre-drilled holes metal plate will match the holes in the joystick pad. It is important to place the metal plate on the left side when facing the Frey LED SL-100 slit lamp. Next two steps, we be to install the background lighting module and power cable for the SLI-200 digital imaging system.
Install the SLI-200 power cable in the slit lamp. This cable remains hidden behind the cover of the lower part of the lamp arm. The cover is attached with four screws, two (2) at the top, two (2) at the bottom. In the lower part of the arm you will find a socket in which we plug the SLI-200 power cable in. Next mount the background LED back light.
The last component to be installed is the SLI-200 digital imaging system. Please note that the optical channels on both sides of the device must stay uncovered (?) before installation. If we do not do this, unfortunately we will not see anything. Mount SLI-200 between the microscope head and the binocular eyepiece.
Connect the SLI-200 system power cable. The SLI-200 power cable should be inserted into the plug and then firmly fastened to ensure secure fitment. Mount the SLI-200 digital imaging system body in the microscope head and secure. Last step attach the binocular eyepiece and secure.
Now you are ready to proceed!
Ensure power in on. Turn the SLI-200 digital imaging system device on. Wait a few seconds for software initialization and you are ready to work.